Wednesday, May 5, 2021
I remember well when I first met Steve. He came to me, probably in the late 1980s, for bagpipe lessons. He worked hard, we both did, and he excelled quickly, bringing to his craft the analytical intelligence of an engineer and the passion of a great heart that pumped life and love through all of his work. And our lessons soon began to incorporate friendship. In these lessons of friendship, I quickly discovered that he was the master and I the one who had (and still have) so much to learn. The many gifts of his friendship are woven into my life like the threads in my kilt, like strains in the music I will miss the most.
I've heard the lilting, at the yowe-milking,
Lassies a-lilting before dawn o' day;
But now they are moaning on ilka green loaning;
"The Flowers of the Forest are a' wede away".
To Linda and Steve’s children and their families: our prayers of thanksgiving for Steve’s life are ascending. My heart breaks for you and all we have lost, but it also breaks open to new love like the love Steve showed us. Grace and peace.
Billy DuBose
Columbia, SC