Brenda, Randy- I am not going to try to comfort you, i know i couldn't You will see her many places, you will she her in home, in all the places she loved, in vineyards, orchard, in the river, and clouds, all the things her that make this world for us to live in . You will feel her all things that are here out of love and for love--all the things that are abundant, all things that grow. the person may leave, or be taken aways--but the best part of good person stays. it stays forever. Love is Immotal and makes all thing immortal, Peace, love and healing.
Bow the knee,trust the heart of your Father when the answers goes beyond what you can see. Bow the knee, lift your eyes toward Heaven and believe the One who hold eternity. and when you don't understand the purpose of his plan, in the presence of your King, Bow the knee.God bless all Family, Kind regards, and love Tim and Geri